
Widely acknowledged as arguably the greatest physicist of all time, Albert Einstein once said and I quote - “imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

I always wondered why it is that whenever we admire something and imagine having it, we tend to see more of it around. For instance, if one admires a black Mercedes Benz cabriolet and imagined long enough what it’ll feel like owning one, chances are, one will being to see the same car, perhaps even in the very same specification drive past everywhere. Truth is, black Mercedes Benz Cabriolets have always been everywhere but never quite drawn to our consciousness prior to us imagining it.

Similarly, all our goals and aspirations are well within our grasp if only we spend sufficient time visualising and acting on achieving them. The interesting thing about visualisation is that it is common knowledge but not common practice. We all do it, albeit not intentionally, consciously and repeatedly enough when it comes to our personal goals and aspirations.

Visualisation is Simulation, hence in sports like Formula 1, race drivers expend endless hours practicing simulations of the race track so much so it becomes second nature to them and as such, they can visualise, manoeuvre and navigate every turn on the circuit(s) at break-neck speed of up to 350km/hr.

Research shows that when we close our eyes and engage our imagination, we activate the biggest centres of our brain known as the occipital lobe which is located in the fore brain and connected to the motor cortex that’s linked to the motivational circuit of our brain. This causes the release of a neurotransmitter known dopamine which our nervous system uses in sending chemical messages to the body. Dopamine is the chemical messenger responsible for signalling our feel-good feelings and makes us want to take action on what we’ve imagined.

So if we begin to visualise our goals or aspirations by seeing and feeling them in our imagination, our brain begins to create a mental movie in our subconscious mind. As the human brain prefers to conserve energy by creating habitual patterns, if one practices visualisation of one’s goals consciously, consistently and repetitiously, over time, the brain acquyesses by creating new neurological patterns that are congruent with one’s imaginations. As such, these new thoughts now become one’s dominant thoughts. So it’s no coincidence that, “as a man thinketh, so he is”.

Rather than focusing on feelings separation from that which we seek, my charge to self and you (the reader) is to focus more on visualising and manifesting all our heart desires.

Remember - “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” - Albert Einstein

Peace, Love and Light.


Reclaiming Your Agency
