Mindful Moments

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From time immemorial, the idea of Love has posed both a verbal and emotional conundrum in equal measure. Without overstating, one can say with certitude that we’ve all experienced Love at some point in our existence, albeit in varying degrees or depths. Despite the many definitions, variations and interpretations of Love, it remains a worthy feeling we all experience but can’t fully articulate. Of the myriad definitions of Love, one that resonates most with me profoundly describes Love as “the flow of energy and information through empathy (I feel) or compassion (I understand) to Self and Others (People, Place orThing)”.

Having experienced Love in different forms, I can say in my humble opinion that “unconditionality” stands out as its most revered attribute. One can easily imagine that the reverence of Unconditional Love hinges mainly on the fact that it is unattainable for us humans, paradoxically because we’re human and as such, imperfect.

However, science to a large extent posits that the feminine sex are perhaps the only species that are mostly capable of experiencing an approximation of Unconditional Love. This isn’t a slight on men, but due to existential dichotomy as a result of our unique anatomies, women have a more palpable experience of the supernatural based on their inherent ability to birth life. This supernatural ability, along with their natural maternal energy allows women to hold a space (in Love) without passing judgement which is relatable to Unconditional Love. On the contrary, the masculine energetic expression fundamentally seeks to analyse and fix. Thats not to say men are incapable of experiencing this said approximation of Unconditional Love,…they can, but only by consciously tapping into their effeminate side as scientific evidence proves beyond reasonable doubt that all creatures exhibit sexual duality or polarity.

With clear understanding that the very construct of being human means we’re incapable of giving the purest form of Unconditional Love, we ought to however always seek to express and experience our closest possible approximation of it. To achieve this, we must always strive to Be and Live in Love, not in the “Hollywood” depiction of Love, but in the essence of what it means to be an embodiment and expression of Love. Just as we’re Human beings, Love is a state of be-ing and the expression of Love is about be-ing kind, be-ing compassionate, be-ing empathetic etc towards one another.

Love is the container for “everything”. It is about finding more acceptance for one another, simply because the sufficient vastness of Love makes space for that which is imperfect and seemly unlovable. More so because the greatest gift we can give to Ourselves and Others is Love, and the degree to which we have love and acceptance of who we are, with all of our humanity and imperfections is the precursor to which we can experience the same with everyone else.

Remember - “God is Love. Whoever lives in Love lives in God, and God in them.” - John 4:16

Peace, Love and Light,