Mindful Moments

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Interested or Committed?

It is important to mention that most of the things I write about in these weekly journals are mainly topics I’m also challenged by, learning about and addressing in my own personal life. Journaling about them is immeasurably helpful. Not only does it feel rewarding to share it with a wider audience just so we continually elevate one another’s wisdom and consciousness, but more importantly it helps me decompress and creates headspace as it’s easy to get overwhelmed by one’s thoughts and ideas.

Oftentimes (typically at the start of a new year) we set goals which are usually tied to a futuristic state or where we see ourselves by a certain period in our lives e.g when we’ll like to retire, how much money we’ll like to have, where we’ll live and even perhaps what charitable things we’ll like to be involved with to mention a few. While all of these goals/dreams are achievable, an underpinning factor that determines how intently and relentlessly we pursue them is dependent on whether we’re merely interested in achieving them or if we’re committed to achieving them.

Some may ask, what’s the difference? General observation is that when we’re merely interested, we tend to do what is easy or convenient. When we’re merely interested, we come up with all the stories, excuses and reasons as to why it may prove difficult to achieve these goals. If we’re merely interested, all the obstacles and hurdles that may prevent us from achieving our goals tend to be bigger than our goals themselves. Perhaps its fair to add that every single excuse we have is valid (e.g lack of time or ability) but it is also worth knowing that one can either have the emotions as a result of the excuses we give or the progress as a result of the effort we make, but you can’t have both.

The antithesis is also true, when one is committed, we typically will do whatever it takes - we upgrade our knowledge, upgrade our skills, develop the beliefs and habits to match our goals and in turn achieve them. Research shows that commitment is arguably the most integral part in achieving any of our life goals. Once we set a goal and make a commitment to achieving it, the universe tends to meet us halfway by presenting us with people and circumstances to help achieve such goals.

So my question to Self and You (the reader) this week is apt “are you interested or are you committed?”

Remember - “Without commitment, you'll never start, but more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish” - Denzel Washington

Peace, love and Light,