Framework for a Good Life

One of, if not my favourite analogy of the journey of life is by Ray Dalio. He describes life as a river that carries us forward into encounters with reality that require us to make decisions. We can’t stop our movement down the current of this river and we can’t avoid those encounters. We can only approach both in the best possible way. Over the course of our lives, we have innumerable amounts of encounters that ultimately determine the quality of our lives and it pays to have a framework for navigating this journey and dealing with these encounters.

We all desire a good life or at least some semblance of what that means. As such, I thought to share a framework of six simple things I’ve learned and endeavour to practice daily (in no particular order) that are proven to contribute toward a good quality of life.

  1. Create - We are created to create. Attempt to create something daily in line with your passion or hobby. This may be writing a few words for your yet to be published book, a section of a new business plan or simply a blog like this to inspire others. Whatever that means for you, “Create”.

  2. Learn - Learning is a lifelong process that begins at birth and never ceases until death. Be it a new concept, an idea or simply a new word for your vocabulary, learn something new every day.

  3. Move - When the body moves, the brain grooves. Dynamic movement is great for our physical and mental well-being. For some it is a long-distance run, for others it is simply a long walk. Whatever this means for you, “just Move”.

  4. Connect - “How good will life be if living brings us together as death does?”. In the finite time we’re here and on this journey, endeavour to connect with loved ones. Please do not wait till they die to tell tales of how you felt about them.

  5. Contribute - A life of meaning is that which pours into others. Whether it is sharing an inspirational text of this ilk, teaching something you’ve learned or volunteering your time, in the smallest of ways, endeavour to “contribute” to the life of others.

  6. Appreciate - Have an attitude of gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more reasons you’ll have to be grateful. In all things, give thanks.

In this continuum called life, our focus ought not to be on grand gestures that define our meaning in life, but on the simple things that contribute to a life of meaning.

Remember - “The race of life is a marathon, not a sprint.” - Tony Robins

Peace, Love & Light,


Opportunity Cost


Leave With Nothing