In a world characterised by a relentless pace of change, it’s often said that one has to literally “run to stand still”. With events evolving at a relentless pace, we humans naturally tend to make an attempt at keeping up with the pace at which things are happening. In the process, we consume a barrage of information constantly thrown at us, proverbially “trying to drink water from a fire hose” - which isn’t only overwhelming but nigh impossible.
Research shows that “every single minute” in today’s world, an average of 204 Million e-mails are sent, 694 Billion songs are streamed, 350 Thousand tweets shared, 510 Thousand comments posted on Facebook and 3.4 Million videos are watched on YouTube. The aforementioned data only goes to show that the world we live in is rather overwhelming and one can be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed. “We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance and wealth with happiness”to quote the legendary Tom Waits.
The innovations and inventions designed to bring solutions to our lives now serve as daily distractions. These said distractions put us out of kilter with self, others and the myriad opportunities that exist in the multidimensional universe we exist in. The current zeitgeist is a world that has rapidly evolved with tools that strip away the truths that typically come to us in moments of solitude. We’re now constantly bombarded by a cacophony of noise at a speed we can barely maintain let alone manage.
However, with speed comes the cost of focus and clarity. It is hard to maintain the focus and clarity of truths that come to us in states of solitude and equanimity in the midst of the masses or myriad things made to distract us. As such, the benefits of some form of meditation or quiet time can not be overstated in the current paradigm. Great is He/She that can find calm amidst the chaos. For when you do, everything becomes clearer and you find the pathway that leads to peace and fulfilment in life’s journey.
So, my charge to Self and You (the reader) is to always find time in each passing day to pause. To intentionally create distance between ourselves and the distractions disguised to serve us. To intentionally seek balance and a state of equanimity in all of life’s endeavours.
Remember - Everything in moderation. Neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy - Voltaire
Peace, Love & Light,