Mindful Moments

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We are spiritual beings living a human experience. Despite our religious, spiritual or scientific beliefs, we are all created in the image and likeness of God the creator. If we are offshoots of this Omnipotent force, it infers unequivocally that we are created to create.

The advent of industrialisation and digitisation has insidiously infiltrated the human psyche. Paradoxically, our very progress as a species has also proved to be our hindrance. Our evolution has somewhat repressed our inherent creativity, replacing it with a consumerism culture. A culture that celebrates an insatiable need for the consumption of products, services and information. According to the late Sir. Ken Robinson, even our education systems where success is celebrated and failure stigmatised are counterintuitively designed to educate creativity out of children. As a result, we have evolved to undervalue the importance of creativity to our survival as a species.

Creating is at the very core of the human experience. Everyone has the urge to create, and if we don’t honour this urge, we stifle ourselves and deny others our gift. Whenever we fail to honour our natural disposition to create, we deaden our bodies and our spirit, we renege on the purpose for which we have been summoned. According to the Hungarian researcher János Selye - “what is in us must out. We all have to follow our creative urges in the way nature prepared for us, otherwise, we may explode at the wrong places or become hopelessly hemmed in by frustrations. The great art is to express our vitality through the particular channels and at the particular speed nature foresaw for us.”

Whatever form your creative gift takes, be it painting, pottery or poetry, know that it needs not be perfect or professional, but it needs to be expressed. Provided that it follows some form of flow, and is expressed in its purest form is when you begin to truly live in your divinity and purpose, otherwise, you’re hopelessly hemmed in by frustrations in the words of Selye. The ability to create is in all of us, and the extent to which we repress its expression is the extent to which we suffer.

Remember - “Create before you Consume”.

Peace, Love & Light.