Cognitive Themes

According to the renowned hypnotist and psychotherapist Marisa Peer, there are two fundamental cognitive themes that we are ‘challenged by’ and ‘grapple with’ on a human level. And the degree to which we do not address and overcome these themes, is the degree to which we suffer, mentally, emotionally and physically.

We are either challenged by the feeling of being ‘different’ or ‘not enough’, and in some cases, both. As social creatures, we embody an inherent sense of belonging and as such, we want to belong to a tribe. The feeling of being different might infer that we don’t belong to a tribe, while the feeling of not being enough might signal that we are not valuable to our tribe.

To overcome these cognitive themes, I invite you to embrace your individualism and to know there are other humans out there who share similar idiosyncrasies to yours. You belong to a tribe; you only need to find your tribe. A tribe where you will be accepted and appreciated.

Additionally, I also invite you to believe you are enough, and that you bring value to every relationship by just being the authentic version of yourself.

Addressing and overcoming these two themes can cause a complete shift in how we experience our encounters or relationships with others.

Remember - “You are Unique and You are Enough”

Peace, Love and Light.


Happiness vs Joy


Existential Crisis