
Ancient wisdom from Monks show that one’s day should be divided into two, the first half for “Self” and the other half for “Service” to others. Having discussed the first part which focuses on “Self”. This part is based on the idea of “Selfless Service” and the belief that we’re all born with divine gifts or talents. That if these gifts or talents aren’t used in the service of others, they become worthless. 

It is a known fact that significant “Success comes from “Service” and that the scale at which one succeeds is oftentimes in direct proportionality to the depth of the problem one solves. 

Furthermore, it is believed that the more we lend ourselves in the service of others, the more we learn about ourselves - “You find yourself when you lose yourself in the service of others - Gandhi

Selfless “service” (or sacrifice) is based on the premise of doing things for people that can’t do anything back for us in return or having no expectations of reciprocity on the good we do. 

For example, by simply sharing wisdom of this kind with someone that may find it inspiring, you’ve lent yourself in selfless service of others.

Think of what talent(s) are you’re blessed with that you can start blessing others with, selflessly. 

In other words, “Plant trees in whose shade you don’t expect to sit” - Nelson Henderson


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