Morning Questions
It is common knowledge that mornings are arguably the most important part of our day. How we feel and our thoughts upon waking up can influence the course of our entire day.
So here are 7 powerful questions that you can incorporate into your “Morning Routine” which will influence your “mood and thoughts” and positively enhance your emotional state the entire day.
What am I most happy about in my life right now?, what about it makes me happy?, how does it make me feel?
What am I most excited about in my life right now?, what about it makes me excited?, how doesn’t it make me feel?
What am I most proud of in my life right now?, what about it makes me proud? How does it make me feel?
What am I most grateful for in my life right now?, what about it makes me grateful? How does it make me feel?
What am I most enjoying in my life right now? What about that do I enjoy?, how does it make me feel?
What am I committed to in my life right now? What about it makes me committed? How does it make me feel?
Who do I love? Who loves me? What about that makes me loving? How does it make me feel?
Thinking of something that makes you happy, excited, proud, grateful....something you enjoy, something you’re committed to and someone you love every morning can make your day and literally change your life.
Remember - “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create”. - Buddha.
Peace, Love & Light.