Letting Go

Oftentimes, what prevents us from stepping into the greatness of our future (the unknown) is our refusal to let go the past (the known). 

Over time, we’ve conditioned our minds to the familiarity of “the known” (the past) which prevents us from experiencing the newness of “the unknown” (the future).

Latest research on memory shows that 50% of the stories we tell ourselves about our past aren’t actually true. We make up things as we go along to reaffirm our resistance to change. 

Therefore, to change this, you have to decide - “Am I going to live by the memories of the past or visions of the future”. 

To live by the visions of your future, it becomes imperative to start consciously re-programming your brain and body to the wonderful things you’ll like to experience in the future so that you feel connected to your future instead of your past. 

Remember: “No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start from now and make a brand new beginning”. - Maria Robinson

Meet yourself where you are right now, and begin from here. 

Peace, Love & Light.


100% Responsibility

